
Page last updated: Friday, February 25, 2022 2:25:52 PM  

Pegasystems - PEGACSA74V1: Certified System Architect (CSA) 74V1
PEGACSA74V1 Exam Details (Active) (Certification will be Retired on December 31, 2019)
Exam Title:Certified System Architect (CSA) 74V1
Exam Number:PEGACSA74V1
Exam Price:₹19,500.00
Format:Multiple Choice
Duration90 minutes (1 hour 30 minutes)
Number of Questions:60
Passing Score:70 %
Validity Period:Pega certifications do not currently expire. However, this is subject to change at Pegasystems’ discretion.
Negative Marking:No
Pegasystems - PEGACSSA74V1: Certified Senior System Architect (CSSA) 74V1
PEGACSSA74V1 Exam Details (Active) (Certification will be Retired on December 31, 2019)
Exam Title:Certified Senior System Architect (CSSA) 74V1
Exam Number:PEGACSSA74V1
Exam Price:₹19,500.00
Format:Multiple Choice
Duration90 minutes (1 hour 30 minutes)
Number of Questions:60
Passing Score:70 %
Prerequisite:Certified System Architect (CSA)
Validity Period:Pega certifications do not currently expire. However, this is subject to change at Pegasystems’ discretion.
Negative Marking:No
Pegasystems - PEGAPCSA80V1_2019: Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) 80V1 2019
PEGAPCSA80V1_2019 Exam Details (Active)
Exam Title:Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) 80V1 2019
Exam Number:PEGAPCSA80V1_2019
Exam Price:₹19,500.00
Format:Multiple Choice
Duration90 minutes (1 hour 30 minutes)
Number of Questions:60
Passing Score:70 %
Validity Period:Pega certifications do not currently expire. However, this is subject to change at Pegasystems’ discretion.
Negative Marking:No
Pegasystems - PEGAPCSSA80V1_2019: Pega Certified Senior System Architect (PCSSA) 80V1
PEGAPCSSA80V1_2019 Exam Details (Active)
Exam Title:Pega Certified Senior System Architect (PCSSA) 80V1
Exam Number:PEGAPCSSA80V1_2019
Exam Price:₹19,500.00
Format:Multiple Choice
Duration90 minutes (1 hour 30 minutes)
Number of Questions:60
Passing Score:70 %
Prerequisite:Certified System Architect (CSA)
Validity Period:Pega certifications do not currently expire. However, this is subject to change at Pegasystems’ discretion.
Negative Marking:No